How To Remain Active In The Community

Staying active in the goth community involves engaging with various aspects of the subculture, from music and fashion to social events and online communities. You may attend goth events and gatherings by going to goth concerts, festivals and club nights.…

Common Misconceptions

People use various nihilistic excuses to not stay active in the culture. For example, “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” has been a big one recently. People often use this as an excuse to buy from known child labour…


Something people don’t think of too is hand-me-downs and getting clothes from peers. My friends and I exchange things that we no longer need in our lives-let be clothes, let me be an old fan we no longer use. That…

Brands And Goth

Goth as I have stated before is a political and music based subculture, therefore I personally would not advise shopping from places such as Killstar, who profit off of gothic and alternative fashion. Members of the goth subculture dress in…

Hello baby bats!

Welcome to my site, all! Baby bats, if you did not already know, is a term to describe those who are new to the goth community, and here I aim to write about the misconceptions and the truths that comes…